A quick blog post this morning just to say a huge ‘Thank you’ to all of you who came to see us at the fabulous Easton Grange and their Open Day yesterday. We loved talking to so many of you about your plans for your days and we really hope we’ll get to capture lots of your weddings in the future. If you have any questions after meeting us yesterday (preferably photography based ones but, we’ll have a go at answering other questions too and helping if we can) or if you want to know the next steps for getting you booked in the diary please get in touch. We still have a handful of 2024 dates left and good availability for 2025 (although the prime dates are going fast).
Thank you also to Easton Grange and all their brilliant staff for asking us to attend and exhibit at this. We love working with you as you’re all awesome and adore photographing at your wonderful venue 🙂
Lastly, it was a treat to catch up with lots of our other favourite suppliers who also attended this day and we look forward to working at many more weddings with you all x