Lately we have been pretty quiet on the blog and social media but, I’m not sure whether we’ve been missed or not?
This year, I thought I’d review our social media and website and I’m currently looking into all of this.
I’ll be completely honest with you, I’m at a little bit of a crossroads where I wonder if anyone actually looks at the blog or social media to find us or, if it’s just our existing couples and their families that like to see what we’re up to. Or, lastly, if it’s just other photographers reading about each other.
The main reason for the questioning is in all honesty, I dislike social media and blogging (it’s my least favourite part of the job and that’s saying something as accounts and admin are higher on the list) but, we LOVE photographing weddings and portraits. I want new clients to find us but, I also don’t see the point in posting just for the sake of it if no one is seeing what we’re posting (due to all the algorithms that seem to be constantly changing) when I could be doing other things I love instead. Most of our couples continue to find us through personal and other supplier recommendations (both of which we’re really grateful for) as well as wedding shows where we get to meet you face to face. With that in mind, this is very much secondary to how you might find us. So, I will be looking at shaking things up this year as there’s no point posting stuff that no one is interested in looking at or reading.
If you disagree, and there are things you’d like to read about or see on here, please drop me a message and I’ll look at writing a post just for you if I can 🙂 If you are reading this, would you like more interaction with us in the lead up to your day/event/session or, are you just happy you’ve booked your photographers and then you’re not interested in social media and blogs? Your help right now, would be greatly appreciated if you want to send us a message as it will help guide us as to how to change the website, blog and social media so it’s useful to you.
Whilst we wait on some feedback and continue to look into all of this as it’s still the beginning of the year (ish), I’m going to start by revisiting some wedding venue posts again as I know lots of couples will have got engaged over the Christmas and New Year period as well as Valentines Day so it might be helpful to you in your search for a venue. I’ll try to do a venue review a week for you to have a little look at starting tomorrow (here’s a little photo of our Ansel in the meantime) 🙂