A quick personal post today just to celebrate Ernie’s 3rd Birthday. We can’t believe you’ve been with us nearly all that time already and we love having you in our lives. You are an incredibly lovely dog and your mellowing in the last year as you’ve come out of your teenage phase is wonderful. You give the best cuddles and kisses and both Ansel and Jess also adore you.
Since Jess joined us at the end of November you now have a new partner in crime to get up to mischief with and charge around our garden (we’ve never had so little grass but we’ll re-seed when the weather is warmer as it’s worth it just to see your happy little faces) and Ansel will always be your special friend. Here’s to many more happy times together and here’s a little look back at just some of the photos of you in the last year little pumpkin (some are low quality as they’re phone photos)!